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AI Trends in Compute: Executive 1-pager

Innovations and Trends

Data Centres

  • Traditional data centers, built for cloud-scale operations, are not sufficient for generative AI models. The demand for processing power is skyrocketing, necessitating liquid cooling infrastructure, larger and taller racks, and upgraded electrical distribution systems.

Quantum Computing:

  • Nations like the US and China are competing to be the first to achieve a usable quantum computer. Quantum computing promises to revolutionize fields like cryptography, drug discovery, and scientific simulations by solving problems too complex for classical computers.

AI-Driven Chip Design

  • Leading technology companies are using AI to optimize chip design, tackling issues of cost, speed, and power efficiency. This approach could disrupt the semiconductor market, giving innovators a competitive edge and fostering advancements in AI-dependent sectors.


Data Centres

  • Companies that invest early in AI-optimized data centers gain a competitive advantage due to the rising demand for high-performance computing environments and limited data center space.

Quantum Computing

  • Companies investing in quantum-resistant cryptography and quantum machine learning could excel in data security and drug discovery, leading to competitive advantages and new business opportunities.

AI-Optimized Chips

  • As AI spreads in enterprise applications, businesses can modify their software and operating systems to support AI-optimized chips and mobile devices. This could enable more powerful and efficient AI-driven solutions across various industries.


Data Centres

  • Resource constraints, particularly the availability of GPUs, data center space, and AI expertise. The transition to high-density AI data centers requires costly and complex infrastructure adjustments, posing financial and logistical challenges for operators.

Talent Shortage

  • The global semiconductor industry faces a shortage of skilled workers, hindering onshoring initiatives and the development of advanced computing technologies. Addressing this talent gap through workforce development programs and immigration reforms is crucial.

Geopolitical Tensions

  • The race for technological supremacy, particularly in quantum computing and semiconductors, fuels geopolitical tensions and protectionist policies. This could stifle global collaboration, leading to a potential "tech cold war" and hampering progress in these critical fields.

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